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Artist Statement

As a designer, I constantly find myself drawing inspiration from the words Pablo Picasso spoke many years ago, “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” Design can be so easily looked over and taken for granted as we go about our day-to-day activities. People fail to realize that nearly everything around us has been impacted by it. Whether it is the chair we sit in, the packaging our burger comes in, or the car we drive. 

A designer to a company is like clothes to a person. They can make or break you. A designer has the potential to create the entire look and feel of the company; generating structure and purpose. Design innovates by taking the company’s meaning and making it more evocative. A business could not exist without considering design as part of their problem solving.

Growing up in Eastern Kentucky, I was always fascinated with the beauty of my natural surroundings. I found myself constantly examining things like the colors of a tree’s leaves, lines in the petals of a flower, and even the tiny spots on a ladybug. As a designer, I incorporate many of those same elements into my designs. I like to combine the soft features of nature with crisp, clean lines and geometric shapes to create very aesthetically pleasing designs, while still catering to my clients’ requests. 

Design is a key element to everything around us and without it the world would be bleak. My work is unique to that of other designers. I strive to generate feeling within the onlooker and still satisfy the client. My designs are intended to strip away the dust of everyday life and give a breath of fresh air to the viewer. 

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2020 Best of Show Art Direction and Design
Spendthrift Farm 2020 New Stallions Campaign
Spendthrift Farm

2020 Gold ADDY Winner Art Direction
FILM, VIDEO, & SOUND Internet Commercial
2020 New Stallions Video
Spendthrift Farm

2020 Gold ADDY Winner Art Direction and Design
CROSS PLATFORM Integrated Advertising Campaign
Spendthrift Farm 2020 New Stallions Campaign
Spendthrift Farm



Creative Direction
Layout Design
Event Planning
Print Production
Info Architecture 
Editorial Design
Color Theory 
Google Adwords 
Job Tracking 
Project Management 
Content Creation
Social Media